Data on British animal farms submissions to AHVLA. British farms are able to submit samples to AHVLA if cause of death for an animal cannot be determined and private veterinary surgeon decides to submit them, unless there is notifiable disease suspected then such a submission is not required.
This data set contains information about such farms. Only submissions that are included in this data frame are submissions of carcasses i.e. submissions of blood samples etc. are excluded.
Data frame with 1,858 rows and 4 columns.
Number of submissions of animal carcasses.
Numerical value equal to logarithm of size of farm.
Numerical value equal to logarithm of distance to nearest AHVLA center.
Factor describing type of activity on farm that animals are
used for. Either Dairy
or Beef
This data set and its description was provided in publication: Böhning, D., Vidal Diez, A., Lerdsuwansri, R., Viwatwongkasem, C., and Arnold, M. (2013). "A generalization of Chao's estimator for covariate information". Biometrics, 69(4), 1033-1042. doi:10.1111/biom.12082
Package singleRcapture
utilizes various family type
functions that specify variable parts of population size estimation,
regression, diagnostics and other necessary information that depends
on the model. These functions are used as model
argument in
chao(lambdaLink = "loghalf", ...) Hurdleztgeom( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) Hurdleztnegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) Hurdleztpoisson( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) oiztgeom( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) oiztnegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) oiztpoisson( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) zelterman(lambdaLink = "loghalf", ...) zotgeom(lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ...) zotnegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ... ) zotpoisson(lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ...) ztHurdlegeom( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztHurdlenegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztHurdlepoisson( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztgeom(lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ...) ztnegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ... ) ztoigeom( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztoinegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztoipoisson( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztpoisson(lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ...)
chao(lambdaLink = "loghalf", ...) Hurdleztgeom( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) Hurdleztnegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) Hurdleztpoisson( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) oiztgeom( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) oiztnegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) oiztpoisson( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) zelterman(lambdaLink = "loghalf", ...) zotgeom(lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ...) zotnegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ... ) zotpoisson(lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ...) ztHurdlegeom( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztHurdlenegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztHurdlepoisson( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), piLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztgeom(lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ...) ztnegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ... ) ztoigeom( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztoinegbin( nSim = 1000, epsSim = 1e-08, eimStep = 6, lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), alphaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztoipoisson( lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), omegaLink = c("logit", "cloglog", "probit"), ... ) ztpoisson(lambdaLink = c("log", "neglog"), ...)
lambdaLink |
a link for Poisson parameter, |
... |
Additional arguments, not used for now. |
piLink |
a link for probability parameter, |
nSim , epsSim
if working weights cannot be computed analytically these arguments specify maximum number of simulations allowed and precision level for finding them numerically respectively. |
eimStep |
a non negative integer describing
how many values should be used at each step of approximation
of information matrixes when no analytic solution is available
(e.g. |
alphaLink |
a link for dispersion parameter, |
omegaLink |
a link for inflation parameter, |
Most of these functions are based on some "base" distribution with support \(\mathbb{N}_{0}=\mathbb{N}\cup\lbrace 0\rbrace\) that describe distribution of \(Y\) before truncation. Currently they include: \[\mathbb{P}(Y=y|\lambda,\alpha)=\left\lbrace \begin{array}{cc} \frac{\lambda^{y}e^{-\lambda}}{y!} & \text{Poisson distribution} \cr \frac{\Gamma(y+\alpha^{-1})}{\Gamma(\alpha^{-1})y!} \left(\frac{\alpha^{-1}}{\alpha^{-1}+\lambda}\right)^{\alpha^{-1}} \left(\frac{\lambda}{\alpha^{-1}+\lambda}\right)^{y} & \text{negative binomial distribution} \cr \frac{\lambda^{y}}{(1+\lambda)^{y+1}} & \text{geometric distribution} \end{array} \right.\] where \(\lambda\) is the Poisson parameter and \(\alpha\) is the dispersion parameter. Geometric distribution is a special case of negative binomial distribution when \(\alpha=1\) it is included because negative binomial distribution is quite troublesome numerical regression in fitting. It is important to know that PMF of negative binomial distribution approaches the PMF of Poisson distribution when \(\alpha\rightarrow 0^{+}\).
Note in literature on single source capture recapture models the dispersion parameter which introduces greater variability in negative binomial distribution compared to Poisson distribution is generally interpreted as explaining the unobserved heterogeneity i.e. presence of important unobserved independent variables. All these methods for estimating population size are tied to Poisson processes hence we use \(\lambda\) as parameter symbol instead of \(\mu\) to emphasize this connection. Also will not be hard to see that all estimators derived from modifying the "base" distribution are unbiased if assumptions made by respective models are not violated.
The zero-truncated models corresponding to "base" distributions are characterized by relation: \[\mathbb{P}(Y=y|Y>0)=\left\lbrace \begin{array}{cc} \frac{\mathbb{P}(Y=y)}{1-\mathbb{P}(Y=0)} & \text{when }y\neq 0 \cr 0 & \text{when }y=0 \end{array}\right.\] which allows us to estimate parameter values using only observed part of population. These models lead to the following estimates, respectively: \[ \begin{aligned} \hat{N} &= \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1}{1-\exp(-\lambda_{k})} & \text{ For Poisson distribution} \cr \hat{N} &= \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1}{1-(1+\alpha_{k}\lambda_{k})^{-\alpha_{k}^{-1}}} & \text{ For negative binomial distribution} \cr \hat{N} &= \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1+\lambda_{k}}{\lambda_{k}} & \text{ For geometric distribution} \end{aligned} \]
One common way in which assumptions of zero-truncated models are violated is presence of one-inflation the presence of which is somewhat similar in single source capture-recapture models to zero-inflation in usual count data analysis. There are two ways in which one-inflation may be understood, they relate to whether \(\mathbb{P}(Y=0)\) is modified by inflation. The first approach is inflate (\(\omega\) parameter) zero-truncated distribution as: \[ \mathbb{P}_{new}(Y=y|Y>0) = \left\lbrace\begin{array}{cc} \omega + (1 - \omega)\mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=1|Y>0)& \text{when: } y = 1 \cr (1 - \omega) \mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=y|Y>0) & \text{when: } y \neq 1 \end{array}\right.\] which corresponds to: \[ \mathbb{P}_{new}(Y=y) = \left\lbrace\begin{array}{cc} \mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=0) & \text{when: } y = 0 \cr \omega(1 - \mathbb{P}(Y=0)) + (1 - \omega)\mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=1) & \text{when: } y = 1 \cr (1 - \omega) \mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=y) & \text{when: } y > 1 \end{array}\right. \] before zero-truncation. Models that utilize this approach are commonly referred to as zero-truncated one-inflated models. Another way of accommodating one-inflation in SSCR is by putting inflation parameter on base distribution as: \[ \mathbb{P}_{new}(Y=y) = \left\lbrace\begin{array}{cc} \omega + (1 - \omega)\mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=1)& \text{when: } y = 1 \cr (1 - \omega) \mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=y) & \text{when: } y \neq 1 \end{array}\right. \] which then becomes: \[ \mathbb{P}_{new}(Y=y|Y>0) = \left\lbrace\begin{array}{cc} \frac{\omega}{1 - (1-\omega)\mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=0)} + \frac{(1 - \omega)}{1 - (1-\omega)\mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=0)}\mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=1)& \text{when: } y = 1 \cr \frac{(1 - \omega)}{1 - (1-\omega)\mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=0)}\mathbb{P}_{old}(Y=y) & \text{when: } y > 1 \end{array}\right. \] after truncation. It was shown by Böhning in 2022 paper that these approaches are equivalent in terms of maximizing likelihoods if we do not put formula on \(\omega\). They can however lead to different population size estimates.
For zero-truncated one-inflated models the formula for population size estimate \(\hat{N}\) does not change since \(\mathbb{P}(y=0)\) remains the same but estimation of parameters changes all calculations.
For one-inflated zero-truncated models population size estimates are expressed, respectively by: \[ \begin{aligned} \hat{N} &= \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1}{1-(1-\omega_{k})\exp(-\lambda_{k})} &\text{ For base Poisson distribution} \cr \hat{N} &= \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1}{1-(1-\omega_{k})(1+\alpha_{k}\lambda_{k})^{-\alpha_{k}^{-1}}} &\text{ For base negative binomial distribution} \cr \hat{N} &= \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1+\lambda_{k}}{\lambda_{k} + \omega_{k}} &\text{ For base geometric distribution} \end{aligned} \]
Zero-one-truncated models ignore one counts instead of accommodating one-inflation by utilizing the identity \[ \ell_{\text{ztoi}}=\boldsymbol{f}_{1}\ln{\frac{\boldsymbol{f}_{1}}{N_{obs}}} +(N_{obs}-\boldsymbol{f}_{1})\ln{\left(1-\frac{\boldsymbol{f}_{1}}{N_{obs}} \right)} + \ell_{\text{zot}} \] where \(\ell_{\text{zot}}\) is the log likelihood of zero-one-truncated distribution characterized by probability mass function: \[\mathbb{P}(Y=y|Y>1)=\left\lbrace \begin{array}{cc} \frac{\mathbb{P}(Y=y)}{1-\mathbb{P}(Y=0)-\mathbb{P}(Y=1)} & \text{when }y > 1 \cr 0 & \text{when }y\in\lbrace 0, 1\rbrace \end{array}\right.\] where \(\mathbb{P}(Y)\) is the probability mass function of the "base" distribution. The identity above justifies use of zero-one-truncated, unfortunately it was only proven for intercept only models, however numerical simulations seem to indicate that even if the theorem cannot be extended for (non trivial) regression population size estimation is still possible.
For zero-one-truncated models population size estimates are expressed by: \[ \begin{aligned} \hat{N} &= \boldsymbol{f}_{1} + \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}} \frac{1-\lambda_{k}\exp(-\lambda_{k})}{1-\exp(-\lambda_{k})-\lambda_{k}\exp(-\lambda_{k})} &\text{ For base Poisson distribution} \cr \hat{N} &= \boldsymbol{f}_{1} + \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}} \frac{1-\lambda_{k}(1+\alpha_{k}\lambda_{k})^{-1-\alpha_{k}^{-1}}}{ 1-(1+\alpha_{k}\lambda_{k})^{-\alpha_{k}^{-1}}-\lambda_{k}(1+\alpha_{k}\lambda_{k})^{-1-\alpha_{k}^{-1}}} &\text{ For base negative binomial distribution} \cr \hat{N} &= \boldsymbol{f}_{1} + \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}} \frac{\lambda_{k}^{2}+\lambda_{k}+1}{\lambda_{k}^{2}} &\text{ For base geometric distribution} \end{aligned} \]
Pseudo hurdle models are experimental and not yet described in literature.
Lastly there are chao and zelterman models which are based on logistic regression on the dummy variable \[ Z = \left\lbrace\begin{array}{cc} 0 & \text{if }Y = 1 \cr 1 & \text{if }Y = 2 \end{array}\right.\] based on the equation: \[ \text{logit}(p_{k})= \ln\left(\frac{\lambda_{k}}{2}\right)= \boldsymbol{\beta}\mathbf{x}_{k}=\eta_{k}\] where \(\lambda_{k}\) is the Poisson parameter.
The zelterman estimator of population size is expressed as: \[\hat{N}=\sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}{1-\exp\left(-\lambda_{k}\right)}\] and chao estimator has the form: \[ \hat{N}=N_{obs}+\sum_{k=1}^{\boldsymbol{f}_{1}+\boldsymbol{f}_{2}} \frac{1}{\lambda_{k}+ \frac{\lambda_{k}^{2}}{2}} \]
A object of class family
containing objects:
– A factory function for creating the following functions:
\(\ell(\boldsymbol{\beta}), \frac{\partial\ell}{\partial\boldsymbol{\beta}},
\) functions from the
\(\boldsymbol{y}\) vector and the
\(\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}\) matrix
(or just \(\boldsymbol{X}\) if applied to model
with single linear predictor)which has the deriv
argument with possible
values in c(0, 1, 2)
that determine which derivative to return;
the default value is 0
, which represents the minus log-likelihood.
– A list with link functions.
mu.eta, variance
– Functions of linear predictors that
return expected value and variance. The type
argument with 2 possible
values ("trunc"
and "nontrunc"
) that specifies whether
to return \(\mathbb{E}(Y|Y>0), \text{var}(Y|Y>0)\) or
\(\mathbb{E}(Y), \text{var}(Y)\) respectively; the deriv
with values in c(0, 1, 2)
is used for indicating the derivative with
respect to the linear predictors, which is used for providing
standard errors in the predict
– A string that specifies name of the model.
valideta, validmu
– For now it only returns TRUE
In the near future, it will be used to check whether applied linear
predictors are valid (i.e. are transformed into some elements of the
parameter space subjected to the inverse link function).
funcZ, Wfun
– Functions that create pseudo residuals and
working weights used in IRLS algorithm.
– A function that given the linear predictors
prior weights vector and response vector returns deviance residuals.
Not all family functions have these functions implemented yet.
pointEst, popVar
– Functions that given prior weights
linear predictors and in the latter case also estimate of
\(\text{cov}(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}})\) and \(\boldsymbol{X_{vlm}}\)
matrix return point estimate for population size and analytic estimation
of its variance.There is a additional boolean parameter contr
in the
former function that if set to true returns contribution of each unit.
– Names of linear predictors.
– A function that given linear predictors
returns value of PMF at values x
. Additional argument type
specifies whether to return \(\mathbb{P}(Y|Y>0)\) or
– A function that generates values of a dependent
vector given linear predictors.
– An expression for generating starting points.
Piotr Chlebicki, Maciej Beręsewicz
A function that computes studentized confidence intervals for model coefficients.
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
object |
object of singleRStaticCountData class. |
parm |
names of parameters for which confidence intervals are to be computed, if missing all parameters will be considered. |
level |
confidence level for intervals. |
... |
currently does nothing. |
An object with named columns that include upper and lower limit of confidence intervals.
constructs a list with all necessary
control parameters for regression fitting in
and estimatePopsize
controlMethod( epsilon = 1e-08, maxiter = 1000, verbose = 0, printEveryN = 1L, coefStart = NULL, etaStart = NULL, optimMethod = "Nelder-Mead", silent = FALSE, optimPass = FALSE, stepsize = 1, checkDiagWeights = TRUE, weightsEpsilon = 1e-08, momentumFactor = 0, saveIRLSlogs = FALSE, momentumActivation = 5, criterion = c("coef", "abstol", "reltol") )
controlMethod( epsilon = 1e-08, maxiter = 1000, verbose = 0, printEveryN = 1L, coefStart = NULL, etaStart = NULL, optimMethod = "Nelder-Mead", silent = FALSE, optimPass = FALSE, stepsize = 1, checkDiagWeights = TRUE, weightsEpsilon = 1e-08, momentumFactor = 0, saveIRLSlogs = FALSE, momentumActivation = 5, criterion = c("coef", "abstol", "reltol") )
epsilon |
a tolerance level for fitting algorithms by default |
maxiter |
a maximum number of iterations. |
verbose |
a numeric value indicating whether to trace steps of fitting algorithm for
if |
printEveryN |
an integer value indicating how often to print information
specified in |
coefStart , etaStart
initial parameters for regression coefficients
or linear predictors if |
optimMethod |
a method of |
silent |
a logical value, indicating whether warnings in |
optimPass |
an optional list of parameters passed to |
stepsize |
only for |
checkDiagWeights |
a logical value indicating whether to check if diagonal
elements of working weights matrixes in |
weightsEpsilon |
a small number to ensure positive definedness of weights matrixes.
Only matters if |
momentumFactor |
an experimental parameter in |
saveIRLSlogs |
a logical value indicating if information specified in
momentumActivation |
the value of log-likelihood reduction bellow which momentum will apply. |
criterion |
a criterion used to determine convergence in |
List with selected parameters, it is also possible to call list directly.
Piotr Chlebicki, Maciej Beręsewicz
constructs a list with all necessary
control parameters in estimatePopsize
that are either specific to
selected model or do not fit anywhere else.
Specifying additional formulas should be done by using only right hand side of the formula also for now all variables from additional formulas should also be included in the "main" formula.
controlModel( weightsAsCounts = FALSE, omegaFormula = ~1, alphaFormula = ~1, piFormula = ~1 )
controlModel( weightsAsCounts = FALSE, omegaFormula = ~1, alphaFormula = ~1, piFormula = ~1 )
weightsAsCounts |
a boolean value indicating whether to treat |
omegaFormula |
a formula for inflation parameter in one inflated zero truncated and zero truncated one inflated models. |
alphaFormula |
a formula for dispersion parameter in negative binomial based models. |
piFormula |
a formula for probability parameter in pseudo hurdle zero truncated and zero truncated pseudo hurdle models. |
A list with selected parameters, it is also possible to call list directly.
Piotr Chlebicki, Maciej Beręsewicz
Creating control parameters for population size estimation and respective standard error and variance estimation.
controlPopVar( alpha = 0.05, bootType = c("parametric", "semiparametric", "nonparametric"), B = 500, confType = c("percentilic", "normal", "basic"), keepbootStat = TRUE, traceBootstrapSize = FALSE, bootstrapVisualTrace = FALSE, fittingMethod = c("optim", "IRLS"), bootstrapFitcontrol = NULL, sd = c("sqrtVar", "normalMVUE"), covType = c("observedInform", "Fisher"), cores = 1L )
controlPopVar( alpha = 0.05, bootType = c("parametric", "semiparametric", "nonparametric"), B = 500, confType = c("percentilic", "normal", "basic"), keepbootStat = TRUE, traceBootstrapSize = FALSE, bootstrapVisualTrace = FALSE, fittingMethod = c("optim", "IRLS"), bootstrapFitcontrol = NULL, sd = c("sqrtVar", "normalMVUE"), covType = c("observedInform", "Fisher"), cores = 1L )
alpha |
a significance level, 0.05 used by default. |
bootType |
the bootstrap type to be used. Default is |
B |
a number of bootstrap samples to be performed (default 500). |
confType |
a type of confidence interval for bootstrap confidence interval,
keepbootStat |
a boolean value indicating whether to keep a vector of statistics produced by bootstrap. |
traceBootstrapSize |
a boolean value indicating whether to print size of bootstrapped sample after truncation for semi- and fully parametric bootstraps. |
bootstrapVisualTrace |
a boolean value indicating whether to plot bootstrap
statistics in real time if |
fittingMethod |
a method used for fitting models from bootstrap samples. |
bootstrapFitcontrol |
control parameters for each regression works exactly
like |
sd |
a character indicating how to compute standard deviation of population
size estimator either as:
for |
covType |
a type of covariance matrix for regression parameters by default observed information matrix. |
cores |
for bootstrap only, a number of processor cores to be used,
any number greater than 1 activates code designed with |
A list with selected parameters, it is also possible to call list directly.
Piotr Chlebicki, Maciej Beręsewicz
S3 method for vcovHC
to handle singleRStaticCountData
class objects.
Works exactly like vcovHC.default
the only difference being that this method handles vector generalised linear models.
Updating the covariance matrix in variance/standard error estimation for population size estimator can be done via redoPopEstimation()
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' estfun(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' bread(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' vcovHC( x, type = c("HC3", "const", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5"), omega = NULL, sandwich = TRUE, ... )
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' estfun(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' bread(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' vcovHC( x, type = c("HC3", "const", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5"), omega = NULL, sandwich = TRUE, ... )
x |
a fitted |
... |
type |
a character string specifying the estimation type, same as in |
omega |
a vector or a function depending on the arguments residuals (i.e. the derivative of log-likelihood with respect to each linear predictor), diaghat (the diagonal of the corresponding hat matrix) and df (the residual degrees of freedom), same as in |
sandwich |
logical. Should the sandwich estimator be computed? If set to FALSE only the meat matrix is returned. Same as in |
Variance-covariance matrix estimation corrected for heteroscedasticity of regression errors
Piotr Chlebicki, Maciej Beręsewicz
set.seed(1) N <- 10000 gender <- rbinom(N, 1, 0.2) eta <- -1 + 0.5*gender counts <- rpois(N, lambda = exp(eta)) df <- data.frame(gender, eta, counts) df2 <- subset(df, counts > 0) mod1 <- estimatePopsize( formula = counts ~ 1 + gender, data = df2, model = "ztpoisson", method = "optim", popVar = "analytic" ) require(sandwich) HC <- sandwich::vcovHC(mod1, type = "HC4") Fisher <- vcov(mod1, "Fisher") # variance covariance matrix obtained from #Fisher (expected) information matrix HC Fisher # usual results summary(mod1) # updated results summary(mod1, cov = HC, popSizeEst = redoPopEstimation(mod1, cov = HC)) # estimating equations mod1_sims <- sandwich::estfun(mod1) head(mod1_sims) # bread method all(vcov(mod1, "Fisher") * nrow(df2) == sandwich::bread(mod1, type = "Fisher"))
set.seed(1) N <- 10000 gender <- rbinom(N, 1, 0.2) eta <- -1 + 0.5*gender counts <- rpois(N, lambda = exp(eta)) df <- data.frame(gender, eta, counts) df2 <- subset(df, counts > 0) mod1 <- estimatePopsize( formula = counts ~ 1 + gender, data = df2, model = "ztpoisson", method = "optim", popVar = "analytic" ) require(sandwich) HC <- sandwich::vcovHC(mod1, type = "HC4") Fisher <- vcov(mod1, "Fisher") # variance covariance matrix obtained from #Fisher (expected) information matrix HC Fisher # usual results summary(mod1) # updated results summary(mod1, cov = HC, popSizeEst = redoPopEstimation(mod1, cov = HC)) # estimating equations mod1_sims <- sandwich::estfun(mod1) head(mod1_sims) # bread method all(vcov(mod1, "Fisher") * nrow(df2) == sandwich::bread(mod1, type = "Fisher"))
first fits appropriate (v)glm model and
then estimates full (observed and unobserved) population size.
In this types of models it is assumed that the response vector
(i.e. the dependent variable) corresponds to the number of times a given unit
was observed in the source.
Population size is then usually estimated by Horvitz-Thompson type estimator:
where \(I_{k}=I_{Y_{k} > 0}\) are indicator variables, with value 1 if kth unit was observed at least once and 0 otherwise.
estimatePopsize(formula, ...) ## Default S3 method: estimatePopsize( formula, data, model = c("ztpoisson", "ztnegbin", "ztgeom", "zotpoisson", "ztoipoisson", "oiztpoisson", "ztHurdlepoisson", "Hurdleztpoisson", "zotnegbin", "ztoinegbin", "oiztnegbin", "ztHurdlenegbin", "Hurdleztnegbin", "zotgeom", "ztoigeom", "oiztgeom", "ztHurdlegeom", "ztHurdlegeom", "zelterman", "chao"), weights = NULL, subset = NULL, naAction = NULL, method = c("optim", "IRLS"), popVar = c("analytic", "bootstrap", "noEst"), controlMethod = NULL, controlModel = NULL, controlPopVar = NULL, modelFrame = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, ratioReg = FALSE, offset, ... )
estimatePopsize(formula, ...) ## Default S3 method: estimatePopsize( formula, data, model = c("ztpoisson", "ztnegbin", "ztgeom", "zotpoisson", "ztoipoisson", "oiztpoisson", "ztHurdlepoisson", "Hurdleztpoisson", "zotnegbin", "ztoinegbin", "oiztnegbin", "ztHurdlenegbin", "Hurdleztnegbin", "zotgeom", "ztoigeom", "oiztgeom", "ztHurdlegeom", "ztHurdlegeom", "zelterman", "chao"), weights = NULL, subset = NULL, naAction = NULL, method = c("optim", "IRLS"), popVar = c("analytic", "bootstrap", "noEst"), controlMethod = NULL, controlModel = NULL, controlPopVar = NULL, modelFrame = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, ratioReg = FALSE, offset, ... )
formula |
a formula for the model to be fitted, only applied to the "main" linear predictor. Only single response models are available. |
... |
additional optional arguments passed to other methods eg.
data |
a data frame or object coercible to data.frame class containing data for the regression and population size estimation. |
model |
a model for regression and population estimate full description in |
weights |
an optional object of prior weights used in fitting the model.
Can be used to specify number of occurrences of rows in data see |
subset |
a logical vector indicating which observations should be used
in regression and population size estimation. It will be evaluated on |
naAction |
Not yet implemented. |
method |
a method for fitting values currently supported: iteratively
reweighted least squares ( |
popVar |
a method of constructing confidence interval and estimating
the standard error either analytic or bootstrap.
Bootstrap confidence interval type may be specified in
controlMethod |
a list indicating parameters to use in fitting the model
may be constructed with |
controlModel |
a list indicating additional formulas for regression
(like formula for inflation parameter/dispersion parameter) may be
constructed with |
controlPopVar |
a list indicating parameters to use in estimating variance
of population size estimation may be constructed with
modelFrame , x , y
logical values indicating whether to return model matrix, dependent vector and model matrix as a part of output. |
contrasts |
not yet implemented. |
ratioReg |
Not yet implemented |
offset |
a matrix of offset values with the number of columns matching the number of distribution parameters providing offset values to each of linear predictors. |
The generalized linear model is characterized by equation
where \(\boldsymbol{X}\) is the (lm) model matrix.
The vector generalized linear model is similarly characterized by equations
where \(\boldsymbol{X}_{k}\) is a (lm) model
matrix constructed from appropriate formula
(specified in controlModel
The \(\boldsymbol{\eta}\) is then a vector constructed as:
\[\boldsymbol{\eta}=\begin{pmatrix} \boldsymbol{\eta}_{1} \cr \boldsymbol{\eta}_{2} \cr \dotso \cr \boldsymbol{\eta}_{p} \end{pmatrix}^{T}\]and in cases of models in our package the (vlm) model matrix is constructed as a block matrix:
\[\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}= \begin{pmatrix} \boldsymbol{X}_{1} & \boldsymbol{0} &\dotso &\boldsymbol{0}\cr \boldsymbol{0} & \boldsymbol{X}_{2} &\dotso &\boldsymbol{0}\cr \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\cr \boldsymbol{0} & \boldsymbol{0} &\dotso &\boldsymbol{X}_{p} \end{pmatrix}\]this differs from convention in VGAM
package (if we only consider our
special cases of vglm models) but this is just a convention and does not
affect the model, this convention is taken because it makes fitting with
IRLS (explanation of algorithm in estimatePopsizeFit()
) algorithm easier.
(If constraints
matrixes in vglm
match the ones we implicitly
use the vglm
model matrix differs with respect to order of
multiplication of X
and constraints
In this package we use observed likelihood to fit regression models.
As mentioned above usually the population size estimation is done via: \[\hat{N} = \sum_{k=1}^{N}\frac{I_{k}}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)} = \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1}{1-\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}=0)}\]
where \(I_{k}=I_{Y_{k} > 0}\) are indicator variables, with value 1 if kth unit was observed at least once and 0 otherwise. The \(\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)\) are estimated by maximum likelihood.
The following assumptions are usually present when using the method of estimation described above:
The specified regression model is correct. This entails linear relationship between independent variables and dependent ones and dependent variable being generated by appropriate distribution.
No unobserved heterogeneity. If this assumption is broken there
are some possible (admittedly imperfect) workarounds see details in
The population size is constant in relevant time frame.
Depending on confidence interval construction (asymptotic) normality of \(\hat{N}\) statistic is assumed.
There are two ways of estimating variance of estimate \(\hat{N}\),
the first being "analytic"
usually done by application of
law of total variance to \(\hat{N}\):
and then by \(\delta\) method to \(\hat{N}|I_{1},\dots I_{N}\):
\[\mathbb{E}\left(\text{var} \left(\hat{N}|I_{1},\dots,I_{n}\right)\right)= \left.\left(\frac{\partial(N|I_1,\dots,I_N)}{\partial\boldsymbol{\beta}}\right)^{T} \text{cov}\left(\boldsymbol{\beta}\right) \left(\frac{\partial(N|I_1,\dots,I_N)}{\partial\boldsymbol{\beta}}\right) \right|_{\boldsymbol{\beta}=\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}}\]and the \(\text{var}\left(\mathbb{E}(\hat{N}|I_{1},\dots,I_{n})\right)\) term may be derived analytically (if we assume independence of observations) since \(\hat{N}|I_{1},\dots,I_{n}\) is just a constant.
In general this gives us: \[ \begin{aligned} \text{var}\left(\mathbb{E}(\hat{N}|I_{1},\dots,I_{n})\right)&= \text{var}\left(\sum_{k=1}^{N}\frac{I_{k}}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)}\right)\cr &=\sum_{k=1}^{N}\text{var}\left(\frac{I_{k}}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)}\right)\cr &=\sum_{k=1}^{N}\frac{1}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)^{2}}\text{var}(I_{k})\cr &=\sum_{k=1}^{N}\frac{1}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)^{2}}\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)(1-\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0))\cr &=\sum_{k=1}^{N}\frac{1}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)}(1-\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0))\cr &\approx\sum_{k=1}^{N}\frac{I_{k}}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)^{2}}(1-\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0))\cr &=\sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1-\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)^{2}} \end{aligned} \]
Where the approximation on 6th line appears because in 5th line we sum over all units, that includes unobserved units, since \(I_{k}\) are independent and \(I_{k}\sim b(\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0))\) the 6th line is an unbiased estimator of the 5th line.
The other method for estimating variance is "bootstrap"
, but since
\(N_{obs}=\sum_{k=1}^{N}I_{k}\) is also a random variable bootstrap
will not be as simple as just drawing \(N_{obs}\) units from data
with replacement and just computing \(\hat{N}\).
Method described above is referred to in literature as "nonparametric"
bootstrap (see controlPopVar()
), due to ignoring variability in observed
sample size it is likely to underestimate variance.
A more sophisticated bootstrap procedure may be described as follows:
Compute the probability distribution as: \[ \frac{\hat{\boldsymbol{f}}_{0}}{\hat{N}}, \frac{\boldsymbol{f}_{1}}{\hat{N}}, \dots, \frac{\boldsymbol{f}_{\max{y}}}{\hat{N}}\] where \(\boldsymbol{f}_{n}\) denotes observed marginal frequency of units being observed exactly n times.
Draw \(\hat{N}\) units from the distribution above (if \(\hat{N}\) is not an integer than draw \(\lfloor\hat{N}\rfloor + b(\hat{N}-\lfloor\hat{N}\rfloor)\)), where \(\lfloor\cdot\rfloor\) is the floor function.
Truncated units with \(y=0\).
If there are covariates draw them from original data with replacement from uniform distribution. For example if unit drawn to new data has \(y=2\) choose one of covariate vectors from original data that was associated with unit for which was observed 2 times.
Regress \(\boldsymbol{y}_{new}\) on \(\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm new}\) and obtain \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}_{new}\), with starting point \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\) to make it slightly faster, use them to compute \(\hat{N}_{new}\).
Repeat 2-5 unit there are at least B
statistics are obtained.
Compute confidence intervals based on alpha
and confType
specified in controlPopVar()
To do step 1 in procedure above it is convenient to first draw binary vector of length \(\lfloor\hat{N}\rfloor + b(\hat{N}-\lfloor\hat{N}\rfloor)\) with probability \(1-\frac{\hat{\boldsymbol{f}}_{0}}{\hat{N}}\), sum elements in that vector to determine the sample size and then draw sample of this size uniformly from the data.
This procedure is known in literature as "semiparametric"
it is necessary to assume that the have a correct estimate
\(\hat{N}\) in order to use this type of bootstrap.
Lastly there is "paramteric"
bootstrap where we assume that the
probabilistic model used to obtain \(\hat{N}\) is correct the
bootstrap procedure may then be described as:
Draw \(\lfloor\hat{N}\rfloor + b(\hat{N}-\lfloor\hat{N}\rfloor)\) covariate information vectors with replacement from data according to probability distribution that is proportional to: \(N_{k}\), where \(N_{k}\) is the contribution of kth unit i.e. \(\dfrac{1}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)}\).
Determine \(\boldsymbol{\eta}\) matrix using estimate \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\).
Generate \(\boldsymbol{y}\) (dependent variable) vector using \(\boldsymbol{\eta}\) and probability mass function associated with chosen model.
Truncated units with \(y=0\) and construct \(\boldsymbol{y}_{new}\) and \(\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm new}\).
Regress \(\boldsymbol{y}_{new}\) on \(\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm new}\) and obtain \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}_{new}\) use them to compute \(\hat{N}_{new}\).
Repeat 1-5 unit there are at least B
statistics are obtained.
Compute confidence intervals based on alpha
and confType
specified in controlPopVar()
It is also worth noting that in the "analytic"
method estimatePopsize
only uses "standard" covariance matrix estimation. It is possible that improper
covariance matrix estimate is the only part of estimation that has its assumptions
violated. In such cases post-hoc procedures are implemented in this package
to address this issue.
Lastly confidence intervals for \(\hat{N}\) are computed (in analytic case) either by assuming that it follows a normal distribution or that variable \(\ln(N-\hat{N})\) follows a normal distribution.
These estimates may be found using either summary.singleRStaticCountData
method or popSizeEst.singleRStaticCountData
function. They're labelled as
and logNormal
Returns an object of class c("singleRStaticCountData", "singleR", "glm", "lm")
with type list
– Vector of dependent variable if specified at function call.
– Model matrix if specified at function call.
– A list with formula provided on call and additional formulas specified in controlModel
– Call matching original input.
– A vector of fitted coefficients of regression.
– A list of control parameters for controlMethod
and controlModel
, controlPopVar
is included in populationSize.
– Model which estimation of population size and regression was built, object of class family.
– Deviance for the model.
– Prior weight provided on call.
method of estimation was chosen weights returned by IRLS
, otherwise same as priorWeights
– Vector of raw residuals.
– Logarithm likelihood obtained at final iteration.
– Numbers of iterations performed in fitting or if stats::optim
was used number of call to loglikelihood function.
– Residual degrees of freedom.
– Null degrees of freedom.
– Data frame of fitted values for both mu (the expected value) and lambda (Poisson parameter).
– A list containing information of population size estimate.
– Model frame if specified at call.
– Vector of fitted linear predictors.
– Number of observations in original model frame.
– terms attribute of model frame used.
– contrasts specified in function call.
– naAction used.
– list indicating which observations were used in regression/population size estimation.
– log of fitting information for "IRLS"
fitting if specified in controlMethod
Piotr Chlebicki, Maciej Beręsewicz
General single source capture recapture literature:
Zelterman, Daniel (1988). ‘Robust estimation in truncated discrete distributions with application to capture-recapture experiments’. In: Journal of statistical planning and inference 18.2, pp. 225–237.
Heijden, Peter GM van der et al. (2003). ‘Point and interval estimation of the population size using the truncated Poisson regression model’. In: Statistical Modelling 3.4, pp. 305–322. doi: 10.1191/1471082X03st057oa.
Cruyff, Maarten J. L. F. and Peter G. M. van der Heijden (2008). ‘Point and Interval Estimation of the Population Size Using a Zero-Truncated Negative Binomial Regression Model’. In: Biometrical Journal 50.6, pp. 1035–1050. doi: 10.1002/bimj.200810455
Böhning, Dankmar and Peter G. M. van der Heijden (2009). ‘A covariate adjustment for zero-truncated approaches to estimating the size of hidden and elusive populations’. In: The Annals of Applied Statistics 3.2, pp. 595–610. doi: 10.1214/08-AOAS214.
Böhning, Dankmar, Alberto Vidal-Diez et al. (2013). ‘A Generalization of Chao’s Estimator for Covariate Information’. In: Biometrics 69.4, pp. 1033– 1042. doi: 10.1111/biom.12082
Böhning, Dankmar and Peter G. M. van der Heijden (2019). ‘The identity of the zero-truncated, one-inflated likelihood and the zero-one-truncated likelihood for general count densities with an application to drink-driving in Britain’. In: The Annals of Applied Statistics 13.2, pp. 1198–1211. doi: 10.1214/18-AOAS1232.
Navaratna WC, Del Rio Vilas VJ, Böhning D. Extending Zelterman's approach for robust estimation of population size to zero-truncated clustered Data. Biom J. 2008 Aug;50(4):584-96. doi: 10.1002/bimj.200710441.
Böhning D. On the equivalence of one-inflated zero-truncated and zero-truncated one-inflated count data likelihoods. Biom J. 2022 Aug 15. doi: 10.1002/bimj.202100343.
Böhning, D., Friedl, H. Population size estimation based upon zero-truncated, one-inflated and sparse count data. Stat Methods Appl 30, 1197–1217 (2021). doi: 10.1007/s10260-021-00556-8
Zwane, PGM EN and Van der Heijden, Implementing the parametric bootstrap in capture-recapture models with continuous covariates 2003 Statistics & probability letters 65.2 pp 121-125
Norris, James L and Pollock, Kenneth H Including model uncertainty in estimating variances in multiple capture studies 1996 in Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3.3 pp 235-244
Vector generalized linear models:
Yee, T. W. (2015). Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models: With an Implementation in R. New York, USA: Springer. ISBN 978-1-4939-2817-0.
– For more information on generalized linear models.
– For more information on optim
function used in
method of fitting regression.
– For control parameters related to regression.
– For control parameters related to population size estimation.
– For control parameters related to model specification.
– For more information on fitting procedure in
– For extracting population size
estimation results are applying post-hoc procedures.
– For summarizing important information about the
model and population size estimation results.
– For information on marginal frequencies and comparison
between observed and fitted quantities.
– For more information on vector generalized linear models.
– For description of various models.
# Model from 2003 publication # Point and interval estimation of the # population size using the truncated Poisson regression mode # Heijden, Peter GM van der et al. (2003) model <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ gender + age + nation, data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = ztpoisson ) summary(model) # Graphical presentation of model fit plot(model, "rootogram") # Statistical test # see documentation for summary.singleRmargin summary(marginalFreq(model), df = 1, "group") # We currently support 2 methods of numerical fitting # (generalized) IRLS algorithm and via stats::optim # the latter one is faster when fitting negative binomial models # (and only then) due to IRLS having to numerically compute # (expected) information matrixes, optim is also less reliable when # using alphaFormula argument in controlModel modelNegBin <- estimatePopsize( formula = TOTAL_SUB ~ ., data = farmsubmission, model = ztnegbin, method = "optim" ) summary(modelNegBin) summary(marginalFreq(modelNegBin)) # More advanced call that specifies additional formula and shows # in depth information about fitting procedure pseudoHurdleModel <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ nation + age, data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = Hurdleztgeom, method = "IRLS", controlMethod = controlMethod(verbose = 5), controlModel = controlModel(piFormula = ~ gender) ) summary(pseudoHurdleModel) # Assessing model fit plot(pseudoHurdleModel, "rootogram") summary(marginalFreq(pseudoHurdleModel), "group", df = 1) # A advanced input with additional information for fitting procedure and # additional formula specification and different link for inflation parameter. Model <- estimatePopsize( formula = TOTAL_SUB ~ ., data = farmsubmission, model = oiztgeom(omegaLink = "cloglog"), method = "IRLS", controlMethod = controlMethod( stepsize = .85, momentumFactor = 1.2, epsilon = 1e-10, silent = TRUE ), controlModel = controlModel(omegaFormula = ~ C_TYPE + log_size) ) summary(marginalFreq(Model), df = 18 - length(Model$coefficients)) summary(Model)
# Model from 2003 publication # Point and interval estimation of the # population size using the truncated Poisson regression mode # Heijden, Peter GM van der et al. (2003) model <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ gender + age + nation, data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = ztpoisson ) summary(model) # Graphical presentation of model fit plot(model, "rootogram") # Statistical test # see documentation for summary.singleRmargin summary(marginalFreq(model), df = 1, "group") # We currently support 2 methods of numerical fitting # (generalized) IRLS algorithm and via stats::optim # the latter one is faster when fitting negative binomial models # (and only then) due to IRLS having to numerically compute # (expected) information matrixes, optim is also less reliable when # using alphaFormula argument in controlModel modelNegBin <- estimatePopsize( formula = TOTAL_SUB ~ ., data = farmsubmission, model = ztnegbin, method = "optim" ) summary(modelNegBin) summary(marginalFreq(modelNegBin)) # More advanced call that specifies additional formula and shows # in depth information about fitting procedure pseudoHurdleModel <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ nation + age, data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = Hurdleztgeom, method = "IRLS", controlMethod = controlMethod(verbose = 5), controlModel = controlModel(piFormula = ~ gender) ) summary(pseudoHurdleModel) # Assessing model fit plot(pseudoHurdleModel, "rootogram") summary(marginalFreq(pseudoHurdleModel), "group", df = 1) # A advanced input with additional information for fitting procedure and # additional formula specification and different link for inflation parameter. Model <- estimatePopsize( formula = TOTAL_SUB ~ ., data = farmsubmission, model = oiztgeom(omegaLink = "cloglog"), method = "IRLS", controlMethod = controlMethod( stepsize = .85, momentumFactor = 1.2, epsilon = 1e-10, silent = TRUE ), controlModel = controlModel(omegaFormula = ~ C_TYPE + log_size) ) summary(marginalFreq(Model), df = 18 - length(Model$coefficients)) summary(Model)
does for estimatePopsize
does for glm
. It is internally called in
. Since estimatePopsize
does much more than
just regression fitting estimatePopsizeFit
is much faster.
estimatePopsizeFit( y, X, family, control, method, priorWeights, coefStart, etaStart, offset, ... )
estimatePopsizeFit( y, X, family, control, method, priorWeights, coefStart, etaStart, offset, ... )
y |
vector of dependent variables. |
X |
model matrix, the vglm one. |
family |
same as model in |
control |
control parameters created in |
method |
method of estimation same as in |
priorWeights |
vector of prior weights its the same argument as weights
in |
etaStart , coefStart
initial value of regression parameters or linear predictors. |
offset |
offset passed from by default passed from |
... |
arguments to pass to other methods. |
If method
argument was set to "optim"
the stats::optim
function will be used to fit regression with analytically computed gradient and
(minus) log likelihood functions as gr
and fn
Unfortunately optim
does not allow for hessian to be specified.
More information about how to modify optim
fitting is included in
If method
argument was set to "IRLS"
the iteratively reweighted
least squares. The algorithm is well know in generalised linear models.
Thomas W. Yee later extended this algorithm to vector generalised linear models
and in more general terms it can roughly be described as
(this is Yee's description after changing some conventions):
Initialize with:
converged <- FALSE
iter <- 1
\(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) <- start
\(\boldsymbol{W}\) <- prior
\(\ell\) <-
If converged
or iter > Maxiter
move to step 7.
Store values from previous algorithm step:
\(\boldsymbol{W}_{-}\) <-
\(\ell_{-}\) <-
\(\boldsymbol{\beta}_{-}\) <-
and assign values at current step:
\(\boldsymbol{\eta}\) <-
\(Z_{i}\) <-
\(\boldsymbol{W}_{ij}\) <-
where \(\ell_{i}\) is the ith component of log likelihood function, \(\eta_{i}\) is the vector of linear predictors associated with ith row and \(\mathbb{E}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell_{i}}{ \partial\eta_{i}^{T}\partial\eta_{i}}\right)\) corresponds to weights associated with ith row and \(\boldsymbol{W}\) is a block matrix, made of diagonal matrixes \(\mathbb{E}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{ \partial\boldsymbol{\eta}_{j}^{T}\partial\boldsymbol{\eta}_{i}}\right)\)
Regress \(\boldsymbol{Z}\) on \(\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}\) to obtain \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) as: \[\boldsymbol{\beta}= \left(\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}^{T}\boldsymbol{W}\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}\right)^{-1} \boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}^{T}\boldsymbol{W}\boldsymbol{Z}\]
converged <-
\ell(\boldsymbol{\beta})-\ell_{-} < \varepsilon\cdot\ell_{-}\)
||\boldsymbol{\beta}-\boldsymbol{\beta}_{-}||_{\infty} < \varepsilon\)
iter <- iter + 1
where \(\varepsilon\) is the relative tolerance level,
by default 1e-8
Return to step 2.
Return \(\boldsymbol{\beta}, \boldsymbol{W}\), iter
In this package we use different conventions for \(\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}\) matrix hence slight differences are present in algorithm description but results are identical.
List with regression parameters, working weights (if IRLS fitting method) was chosen and number of iterations taken.
Piotr Chlebicki, Maciej Beresewicz
Yee, T. W. (2015). Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models: With an Implementation in R. New York, USA: Springer. ISBN 978-1-4939-2817-0.
summary(farmsubmission) # construct vglm model matrix X <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 2 * NROW(farmsubmission), ncol = 7) X[1:NROW(farmsubmission), 1:4] <- model.matrix( ~ 1 + log_size + log_distance + C_TYPE, farmsubmission ) X[-(1:NROW(farmsubmission)), 5:7] <- X[1:NROW(farmsubmission), c(1, 3, 4)] # this attribute tells the function which elements of the design matrix # correspond to which linear predictor attr(X, "hwm") <- c(4, 3) # get starting points start <- y = farmsubmission$TOTAL_SUB, x = X[1:NROW(farmsubmission), 1:4], family = poisson() )$coefficients res <- estimatePopsizeFit( y = farmsubmission$TOTAL_SUB, X = X, method = "IRLS", priorWeights = 1, family = ztoigeom(), control = controlMethod(verbose = 5), coefStart = c(start, 0, 0, 0), etaStart = matrix(X %*% c(start, 0, 0, 0), ncol = 2), offset = cbind(rep(0, NROW(farmsubmission)), rep(0, NROW(farmsubmission))) ) # extract results # regression coefficient vector res$beta # check likelihood ll <- ztoigeom()$makeMinusLogLike(y = farmsubmission$TOTAL_SUB, X = X) -ll(res$beta) # number of iterations res$iter # working weights head(res$weights) # Compare with optim call res2 <- estimatePopsizeFit( y = farmsubmission$TOTAL_SUB, X = X, method = "optim", priorWeights = 1, family = ztoigeom(), coefStart = c(start, 0, 0, 0), control = controlMethod(verbose = 1, silent = TRUE), offset = cbind(rep(0, NROW(farmsubmission)), rep(0, NROW(farmsubmission))) ) # extract results # regression coefficient vector res2$beta # check likelihood -ll(res2$beta) # number of calls to log lik function # since optim does not return the number of # iterations res2$iter # optim does not calculated working weights head(res2$weights)
summary(farmsubmission) # construct vglm model matrix X <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 2 * NROW(farmsubmission), ncol = 7) X[1:NROW(farmsubmission), 1:4] <- model.matrix( ~ 1 + log_size + log_distance + C_TYPE, farmsubmission ) X[-(1:NROW(farmsubmission)), 5:7] <- X[1:NROW(farmsubmission), c(1, 3, 4)] # this attribute tells the function which elements of the design matrix # correspond to which linear predictor attr(X, "hwm") <- c(4, 3) # get starting points start <- y = farmsubmission$TOTAL_SUB, x = X[1:NROW(farmsubmission), 1:4], family = poisson() )$coefficients res <- estimatePopsizeFit( y = farmsubmission$TOTAL_SUB, X = X, method = "IRLS", priorWeights = 1, family = ztoigeom(), control = controlMethod(verbose = 5), coefStart = c(start, 0, 0, 0), etaStart = matrix(X %*% c(start, 0, 0, 0), ncol = 2), offset = cbind(rep(0, NROW(farmsubmission)), rep(0, NROW(farmsubmission))) ) # extract results # regression coefficient vector res$beta # check likelihood ll <- ztoigeom()$makeMinusLogLike(y = farmsubmission$TOTAL_SUB, X = X) -ll(res$beta) # number of iterations res$iter # working weights head(res$weights) # Compare with optim call res2 <- estimatePopsizeFit( y = farmsubmission$TOTAL_SUB, X = X, method = "optim", priorWeights = 1, family = ztoigeom(), coefStart = c(start, 0, 0, 0), control = controlMethod(verbose = 1, silent = TRUE), offset = cbind(rep(0, NROW(farmsubmission)), rep(0, NROW(farmsubmission))) ) # extract results # regression coefficient vector res2$beta # check likelihood -ll(res2$beta) # number of calls to log lik function # since optim does not return the number of # iterations res2$iter # optim does not calculated working weights head(res2$weights)
Data on British animal farms submissions to AHVLA. British farms are able to submit samples to AHVLA if cause of death for an animal cannot be determined and private veterinary surgeon decides to submit them, unless there is notifiable disease suspected then such a submission is not required.
This data set contains information about such farms. All submissions from farms are included in this data frame not only carcasses but also blood samples etc.
Data frame with 12,036 rows and 4 columns.
Number of submissions of animal material.
Numerical value equal to logarithm of size of farm.
Numerical value equal to logarithm of distance to nearest AHVLA center.
Factor describing type of activity on farm that animals are
used for. Either Dairy
or Beef
This data set and its description was provided in publication: Böhning, D., Vidal Diez, A., Lerdsuwansri, R., Viwatwongkasem, C., and Arnold, M. (2013). "A generalization of Chao's estimator for covariate information". Biometrics, 69(4), 1033-1042. doi:10.1111/biom.12082
A function that given a fitted singleR
class object
computed marginal frequencies by as sum of probability density functions
for each unit in data at each point i.e. kth element of marginal frequency
table is given by \(\sum_{j=1}^{N_{obs}}\mathbb{P}(Y_{j}=k|\eta_{j})\).
For k=0 only (if specified at call) they are computed as
\(\hat{N}-N_{obs}\) because
\(\boldsymbol{f}_{0}\) is assumed to
the unobserved part of the studied population.
These frequencies are useful in diagnostics for count data regression, such as assessment of fit.
marginalFreq( object, includeones = TRUE, includezeros = TRUE, onecount = NULL, range, ... )
marginalFreq( object, includeones = TRUE, includezeros = TRUE, onecount = NULL, range, ... )
object |
object of |
includeones |
logical value indicating whether to include the estimated number of zero counts. |
includezeros |
logical value indicating whether to include one counts in the zero-one truncated models. |
onecount |
a numeric value indicating number of one counts if null |
range |
optional argument specifying range of selected Y values. |
... |
currently does nothing. |
A list with observed name of the fitted model family degrees of freedom and observed and fitted marginal frequencies.
Piotr Chlebicki
– where example of usage is provided
This data set contains information about immigrants in four cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht) in Netherlands that have been staying in the country illegally in 1995 and have appeared in police records that year.
Data frame with 1,880 rows and 5 columns.
Number of times a person has been captured by police.
Factor describing gender of the apprehended person.
Factor describing age of apprehended person. Either bellow or above 40 years old.
Factor describing reason for being apprehended by police either illegal stay in Netherlands or other reasons.
Factor with nation of origin of the captured person.
There are 6 levels of this variable: "American and Australia",
"Asia", "North Africa", "Rest of Africa", "Surinam", "Turkey"
This data set and its description was provided in publication: van Der Heijden, P. G., Bustami, R., Cruyff, M. J., Engbersen, G., and Van Houwelingen, H. C. (2003). Point and interval estimation of the population size using the truncated Poisson regression model. Statistical Modelling, 3(4), 305-322. doi:10.1191/1471082X03st057oa
Simple diagnostic plots for singleRStaticCountData
class objects.
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' plot( x, plotType = c("qq", "marginal", "fitresid", "bootHist", "rootogram", "dfpopContr", "dfpopBox", "scaleLoc", "cooks", "hatplot", "strata"), confIntStrata = c("normal", "logNormal"), histKernels = TRUE, dfpop, ... )
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' plot( x, plotType = c("qq", "marginal", "fitresid", "bootHist", "rootogram", "dfpopContr", "dfpopBox", "scaleLoc", "cooks", "hatplot", "strata"), confIntStrata = c("normal", "logNormal"), histKernels = TRUE, dfpop, ... )
x |
object of |
plotType |
character parameter (default
confIntStrata |
confidence interval type to use for strata plot.
Currently supported values are |
histKernels |
logical value indicating whether to add density lines to histogram. |
dfpop |
... |
additional optional arguments passed to the following functions:
No return value only the plot being made.
Piotr Chlebicki
An extractor function with singleRStaticCountData
method for extracting
important information regarding pop size estimate.
popSizeEst(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' popSizeEst(object, ...)
popSizeEst(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' popSizeEst(object, ...)
object |
object with population size estimates. |
... |
additional optional arguments, currently not used in |
An object of class popSizeEstResults
containing population size estimation results.
A method for predict
function, works analogous to predict.glm
but gives the possibility to get standard errors of
mean/distribution parameters and directly get pop size estimates for new data.
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' predict( object, newdata, type = c("response", "link", "mean", "popSize", "contr"), = FALSE, na.action = NULL, weights, cov, ... )
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' predict( object, newdata, type = c("response", "link", "mean", "popSize", "contr"), = FALSE, na.action = NULL, weights, cov, ... )
object |
an object of |
newdata |
an optional |
type |
the type of prediction required, possible values are:
by default set to | |
a logical value indicating whether standard errors should be
computed. Only matters for |
na.action |
does nothing yet. |
weights |
optional vector of weights for |
cov |
optional matrix or function or character specifying either
a covariance matrix or a function to compute that covariance matrix.
By default |
... |
arguments passed to other functions, for now this only affects
Standard errors are computed with assumption of regression coefficients being asymptotically normally distributed, if this assumption holds then each of linear predictors i.e. each row of \(\boldsymbol{\eta}=\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}\boldsymbol{\beta}\) is asymptotically normally distributed and their variances are expressed by well known formula. The mean \(\mu\) and distribution parameters are then differentiable functions of asymptotically normally distributed variables and therefore their variances can be computed using (multivariate) delta method.
Depending on type
argument if one of "response", "link", "mean"
a matrix with fitted values and possibly standard errors if
argument was set to TRUE
, if type
was set to "contr"
a vector with inverses of probabilities, finally for "popSize"
an object of class popSizeEstResults
with its own methods containing
population size estimation results.
A function that applies all post-hoc procedures that were taken (such as heteroscedastic consistent covariance matrix estimation or bias reduction) to population size estimation and standard error estimation.
redoPopEstimation(object, newdata, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' redoPopEstimation( object, newdata, cov, weights, coef, control, popVar, offset, weightsAsCounts, ... )
redoPopEstimation(object, newdata, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' redoPopEstimation( object, newdata, cov, weights, coef, control, popVar, offset, weightsAsCounts, ... )
object |
object for which update of population size estimation results will be done. |
newdata |
optional |
... |
additional optional arguments, currently not used in |
cov |
an updated covariance matrix estimate. |
weights |
optional vector of weights to use in population size estimation. |
coef |
optional vector of coefficients of regression on which to base
population size estimation. If missing it is set to |
control |
similar to |
popVar |
similar to |
offset |
offset argument for new data |
weightsAsCounts |
for |
Any non specified arguments will be inferred from the object
An object of class popSizeEstResults
containing updated
population size estimation results.
# Create simple model Model <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ nation + gender, data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = ztpoisson, method = "IRLS" ) # Apply heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimation require(sandwich) cov <- vcovHC(Model, type = "HC3") summary(Model, cov = cov, popSizeEst = redoPopEstimation(Model, cov = cov)) # Compare to results with usual covariance matrix estimation summary(Model) ## get confidence interval with larger significance level redoPopEstimation(Model, control = controlPopVar(alpha = .000001))
# Create simple model Model <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ nation + gender, data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = ztpoisson, method = "IRLS" ) # Apply heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimation require(sandwich) cov <- vcovHC(Model, type = "HC3") summary(Model, cov = cov, popSizeEst = redoPopEstimation(Model, cov = cov)) # Compare to results with usual covariance matrix estimation summary(Model) ## get confidence interval with larger significance level redoPopEstimation(Model, control = controlPopVar(alpha = .000001))
List of some regression diagnostics implemented for
class. Functions that either require no changes from
class or are not relevant to context of singleRcapture
are omitted.
dfpopsize(model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' dfpopsize(model, dfbeta = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' dfbeta(model, maxitNew = 1, trace = FALSE, cores = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' hatvalues(model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' residuals( object, type = c("pearson", "pearsonSTD", "response", "working", "deviance", "all"), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' cooks.distance(model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' sigma(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' influence(model, do.coef = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' rstudent(model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' rstandard(model, type = c("deviance", "pearson"), ...)
dfpopsize(model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' dfpopsize(model, dfbeta = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' dfbeta(model, maxitNew = 1, trace = FALSE, cores = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' hatvalues(model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' residuals( object, type = c("pearson", "pearsonSTD", "response", "working", "deviance", "all"), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' cooks.distance(model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' sigma(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' influence(model, do.coef = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' rstudent(model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' rstandard(model, type = c("deviance", "pearson"), ...)
model , object
an object of |
... |
arguments passed to other methods.
Notably |
dfbeta |
if |
maxitNew |
the maximal number of iterations for regressions with starting
points \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\) on data
specified at call for |
trace |
a logical value specifying whether to tracking results when
cores |
a number of processor cores to be used,
any number greater than 1 activates code designed with |
type |
a type of residual to return. |
do.coef |
logical indicating if |
and dfbeta
are closely related. dfbeta
fits a regression after removing a specific row from the data and returns the
difference between regression coefficients estimated on full data set and
data set obtained after deletion of that row, and repeats procedure once
for every unit present in the data.dfpopsize
does the same for
population size estimation utilizing coefficients computed by dfbeta
is implemented (for now) only for models with a single
linear predictor and works exactly like the method for glm
computes the standard errors of predicted means. Returns a matrix
with two columns first for truncated mean and the other for the non-truncated mean.
(can be abbreviated to resid
works like residuals.glm
with the exception that:
– returns non standardized residuals.
– is currently defined only for single predictors
models but will be extended to all models in a near future, but for families
with more than one distribution parameter it will be a multivariate residual.
– returns both residuals computed with truncated
and non truncated fitted value.
– is possibly multivariate if more than one linear
predictor is present.
– is not yet defined for all families in
e.g. negative binomial based methods.
– returns all available residual types.
is method for singleRStaticCountData
class for extracting diagonal elements of projection matrix.
Since singleRcapture
supports not only regular glm's but also vglm's the
returns a matrix with number of columns corresponding to number
of linear predictors in a model, where kth column corresponds to elements of
the diagonal of projection matrix associated with kth linear predictor.
For glm's
where: \(\boldsymbol{W}=\mathbb{E}\left(\text{Diag}
and \(\boldsymbol{X}\) is a model (lm) matrix.
For vglm's present in the package it is instead :
\boldsymbol{W} = \mathbb{E}\left(\begin{bmatrix}
\text{Diag}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{\partial\eta_{1}^{T}\partial\eta_{1}}\right) &
\text{Diag}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{\partial\eta_{1}^{T}\partial\eta_{2}}\right) &
\dotso & \text{Diag}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{\partial\eta_{1}^{T}\partial\eta_{p}}\right)\cr
\text{Diag}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{\partial\eta_{2}^{T}\partial\eta_{1}}\right) &
\text{Diag}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{\partial\eta_{2}^{T}\partial\eta_{2}}\right) &
\dotso & \text{Diag}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{\partial\eta_{2}^{T}\partial\eta_{p}}\right)\cr
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\cr
\text{Diag}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{\partial\eta_{p}^{T}\partial\eta_{1}}\right) &
\text{Diag}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{\partial\eta_{p}^{T}\partial\eta_{2}}\right) &
\dotso & \text{Diag}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}\ell}{\partial\eta_{p}^{T}\partial\eta_{p}}\right)
is a block matrix constructed by taking the expected value from diagonal
matrixes corresponding to second derivatives with respect to each linear
predictor (and mixed derivatives) and
\(\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}\) is a model (vlm)
matrix constructed using specifications in controlModel
call to estimatePopsize
works like glm
counterpart computing the most important
influence measures.
For hatvalues
– A matrix with n rows and p columns where n is a
number of observations in the data and p is number of regression parameters.
For dfpopsize
– A vector for which k'th element corresponds
to the difference between point estimate of population size estimation on
full data set and point estimate of population size estimation after the
removal of k'th unit from the data set.
For dfbeta
– A matrix with n rows and p observations where p
is a number of units in data and p is the number of regression parameters.
K'th row of this matrix corresponds to
where \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}_{-k}\) is a vector of estimates for
regression parameters after the removal of k'th row from the data.
– A matrix with a single columns with
values of cooks distance for every unit in model.matrix
– A data.frame
with chosen residuals.
Piotr Chlebicki, Maciej Beręsewicz
# For singleRStaticCountData class # Get simple model Model <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ nation + age + gender, data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = ztpoisson, method = "IRLS" ) # Get dfbeta dfb <- dfbeta(Model) # The dfpopsize results are obtained via (It is also possible to not provide # dfbeta then they will be computed manually): res <- dfpopsize(Model, dfbeta = dfb) summary(res) plot(res) # see vaious types of residuals: head(resid(Model, "all"))
# For singleRStaticCountData class # Get simple model Model <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ nation + age + gender, data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = ztpoisson, method = "IRLS" ) # Get dfbeta dfb <- dfbeta(Model) # The dfpopsize results are obtained via (It is also possible to not provide # dfbeta then they will be computed manually): res <- dfpopsize(Model, dfbeta = dfb) summary(res) plot(res) # see vaious types of residuals: head(resid(Model, "all"))
An S3 method for stats::simulate
to handle singleRStaticCountData
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRfamily' simulate(object, nsim, seed = NULL, eta, truncated = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRfamily' simulate(object, nsim, seed = NULL, eta, truncated = FALSE, ...)
object |
an object representing a fitted model. |
nsim |
a numeric scalar specifying:
seed |
an object specifying if and how the random number generator should be initialized (‘seeded’). |
... |
additional optional arguments. |
eta |
a matrix of linear predictors |
truncated |
logical value indicating whether to sample from truncated or full distribution. |
a data.frame
with n
rows and nsim
Maciej Beręsewicz, Piotr Chlebicki
N <- 10000 ###gender <- rbinom(N, 1, 0.2) gender <- rep(0:1, c(8042, 1958)) eta <- -1 + 0.5*gender counts <- simulate(ztpoisson(), eta = cbind(eta), seed = 1) df <- data.frame(gender, eta, counts) df2 <- subset(df, counts > 0) ### check coverage with summary mod1 <- estimatePopsize( formula = counts ~ 1 + gender, data = df2, model = ztpoisson, controlMethod = list(silent = TRUE) ) mod1_sims <- simulate(mod1, nsim=10, seed = 1) colMeans(mod1_sims) mean(df2$counts)
N <- 10000 ###gender <- rbinom(N, 1, 0.2) gender <- rep(0:1, c(8042, 1958)) eta <- -1 + 0.5*gender counts <- simulate(ztpoisson(), eta = cbind(eta), seed = 1) df <- data.frame(gender, eta, counts) df2 <- subset(df, counts > 0) ### check coverage with summary mod1 <- estimatePopsize( formula = counts ~ 1 + gender, data = df2, model = ztpoisson, controlMethod = list(silent = TRUE) ) mod1_sims <- simulate(mod1, nsim=10, seed = 1) colMeans(mod1_sims) mean(df2$counts)
A function that estimates sizes of specific sub populations based on a capture-recapture model for the whole population.
stratifyPopsize(object, strata, alpha, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' stratifyPopsize(object, strata, alpha, cov = NULL, ...)
stratifyPopsize(object, strata, alpha, ...) ## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' stratifyPopsize(object, strata, alpha, cov = NULL, ...)
object |
an object on which the population size estimates should be based
in |
strata |
a specification of sub populations given by one of:
alpha |
significance level for confidence intervals –
Either a single numeric value or a vector of length equal to number of
sub populations specified in |
... |
a vector of arguments to be passed to other functions.
For |
cov |
for |
In single source capture-recapture models the most frequently used estimate for population size is Horvitz-Thompson type estimate:
\[\hat{N} = \sum_{k=1}^{N}\frac{I_{k}}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)} = \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1}{1-\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}=0)}\]where \(I_{k}=I_{Y_{k} > 0}\) are indicator variables, with value 1 if kth unit was observed at least once and 0 otherwise and the inverse probabilistic weights weights for units observed in the data \(\tfrac{1}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)}\) are estimated using fitted linear predictors.
The estimates for different sub populations are made by changing the \(I_{k}=I_{Y_{k} > 0}\) indicator variables to refer not to the population as a whole but to the sub populations that are being considered i.e. by changing values from 1 to 0 if kth unit is not a member of sub population that is being considered at the moment.
The estimation of variance for these estimates and estimation of variance for estimate of population size for the whole population follow the same relation as the one described above.
A data.frame
object with row names being the names of specified
sub populations either provided or inferred.
Performs two statistical test on observed and fitted marginal frequencies. For G test the test statistic is computed as: \[G = 2\sum_{k}O_{k}\ln{\left(\frac{O_{k}}{E_{k}}\right)}\] and for \(\chi^{2}\) the test statistic is computed as: \[\chi^{2} = \sum_{k}\frac{\left(O_{k}-E_{k}\right)^{2}}{E_{k}}\] where \(O_{k},E_{k}\) denoted observed and fitted frequencies respectively. Both of these statistics converge to \(\chi^2\) distribution asymptotically with the same degrees of freedom.
The convergence of \(G, \chi^2\) statistics to \(\chi^2\) distribution may be violated if expected counts in cells are too low, say < 5, so it is customary to either censor or omit these cells.
## S3 method for class 'singleRmargin' summary(object, df, dropl5 = c("drop", "group", "no"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'singleRmargin' summary(object, df, dropl5 = c("drop", "group", "no"), ...)
object |
object of singleRmargin class. |
df |
degrees of freedom if not provided the function will try and manually but it is not always possible. |
dropl5 |
a character indicating treatment of cells with frequencies < 5
either grouping them, dropping or leaving them as is. Defaults to |
... |
currently does nothing. |
A chi squared test and G test for comparison between fitted and observed marginal frequencies.
# Create a simple model Model <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ ., data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = ztpoisson, method = "IRLS" ) plot(Model, "rootogram") # We see a considerable lack of fit summary(marginalFreq(Model), df = 1, dropl5 = "group")
# Create a simple model Model <- estimatePopsize( formula = capture ~ ., data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = ztpoisson, method = "IRLS" ) plot(Model, "rootogram") # We see a considerable lack of fit summary(marginalFreq(Model), df = 1, dropl5 = "group")
A summary
method for singleRStaticCountData
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' summary( object, test = c("t", "z"), resType = "pearson", correlation = FALSE, confint = FALSE, cov, popSizeEst, ... )
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' summary( object, test = c("t", "z"), resType = "pearson", correlation = FALSE, confint = FALSE, cov, popSizeEst, ... )
object |
object of singleRStaticCountData class. |
test |
type of test for significance of parameters |
resType |
type of residuals to summarize any value that is allowed in
correlation |
logical value indicating whether correlation matrix should
be computed from covariance matrix by default |
confint |
logical value indicating whether confidence intervals for
regression parameters should be constructed. By default |
cov |
covariance matrix corresponding to regression parameters.
It is possible to give |
popSizeEst |
a |
... |
additional optional arguments passed to the following functions:
analogically to summary.glm
but includes population size estimation
results. If any additional statistics, such as confidence intervals for
coefficients or coefficient correlation, are specified they will be printed.
An object of summarysingleRStaticCountData
class containing:
– A call which created object
– A dataframe with estimated regression coefficients
and their summary statistics such as standard error Wald test statistic and
p value for Wald test.
– A vector of residuals of type specified at call.
– Akaike's information criterion.
– Bayesian (Schwarz's) information criterion.
– Number of iterations taken in fitting regression.
– Logarithm of likelihood function evaluated at coefficients.
– Residual deviance.
– Object with population size estimation results.
– Residual degrees of freedom.
– Size of observed population.
– Correlation matrix if correlation
parameter was set to TRUE
– Type of statistical test performed.
– Family class object specified in call for object
– If bootstrap sample was saved contains estimate of skewness.
A vcov
method for singleRStaticCountData
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' vcov(object, type = c("Fisher", "observedInform"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData' vcov(object, type = c("Fisher", "observedInform"), ...)
object |
object of singleRStaticCountData class. |
type |
type of estimate for covariance matrix for now either expected (Fisher) information matrix or observed information matrix. |
... |
additional arguments for method functions |
Returns a estimated covariance matrix for model coefficients
calculated from analytic hessian or Fisher information matrix usually
utilizing asymptotic effectiveness of maximum likelihood estimates.
Covariance type is taken from control parameter that have been provided
on call that created object
if arguments type
was not specified.
A covariance matrix for fitted coefficients, rows and columns of which
correspond to parameters returned by coef